Friday, November 18, 2011

What makes a person suffering from depression Click their loved ones now?

It is true what they say about depression, it affects your whole being. Depression seems to apply not only to your mental being, but also on your physical and social self. Similarly, depression affects not only the sufferer but also the people around him. People who are depressed have a sense of worthlessness and the buy Valium. These feelings can be very overwhelming to the point that they "push" anyone who tries to approach them. 
 If you happen to be at the opposite end, it can be very painful for you. Most often, people who suffer from anxiety do not really understand that, while they are in pain, they also hurt the people they love in the process. But there are ways to fight depression, so it does not reach the point where the relationship with family and friends are affected. Here are some tips to help you help your loved one overcome depression:

1. Do not let your loved one to push you away. It may be necessary to give him time and space, but do not make your presence overwhelming. Do not talk too much. Be more to listen than talk the language. In many cases, the silence speaks volumes of words. Just be there and be ready to hand, he she can keep up.

2. Try to get to the bottom of the depression of your friend. There are various reasons why one gets depressed, and for many of these reasons are practical solutions. If financial difficulties are the cause of your friend to get depressed, here are some ways you can be helpful:

1. Get your friend to list down all of its creditors and the amount owed to each.
2. Encourage your friend to his her loans consolidated. Loan or debt consolidation can reduce interest rates, and it will be easier for your friend to manage his her debts with only one person or company to deal with every month.
3. Help your friend to control his her expenses. Get your friend to make a list of monthly expenses. Many of these costs (eg, Friday night dinner, weekend trips, cable, etc.) may not be needed at all so get him her to get it from the list, at least for a while.
4. Ask your friend to pay for purchases in cash, rather than relying on credit cards. With cash payments, your friend will not be tempted to buy whatever he she can not afford the time.
5. Help your friend find opportunities to work on the Internet. Getting a part-time on the Internet can help your friend deal with his her financial problems.
3. Go out with your friend. If the grief and depression is the cause of your friend to make him her from his her words, not necessarily to date other people, but to understand what he she is not alone in the world.

4. Promoting health eating. I have personally seen the profiles of people who are depressed for one reason or another, and most of them are turning to "comfort" foods is second nature. But you should know that the impact of these comfort foods never last long. Worse yet, they can make one look bloated from too much salt, which tends to draw water inside. Encouraging healthy eating habits and wise food choices that include fruits and vegetables.
Typically, depression lasts only a few days. If your friend seems to have dropped in for a much longer period of time, or showing signs and symptoms that affect his her state of mind and overall well-being, make him her to seek professional help. He she may have need of psychotherapy and antidepressant medication to control the problem.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The capacity of Positive Psychology

Most people quest after therapy to get help with a problem. But what if the research and techniques in the field of luny could be used to build upon existing strengths and personality traits to eschew people become happier and more engaged in their lives?
This is the educate question behind the work of researchers and psychologists in the field of positive psychology, which goes beyond forceful thinking to a deeper understanding of what makes people happy.
“You can do things to muddle through yourself happy,” says Debbie Swick, MBA, associate executive Mr Big of the International Positive Psychology Association and associate director of education in the Positive Madwoman Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Positive Psychology: Areas of Focus
Unmitigated psychology is focused on three basic areas of study and practice:
* Uncontested emotions, consisting of contentment with the past, current happiness, hope for the future.
* Arrogant traits, such as courage, resilience, curiosity, self-knowledge, integrity, compassion, and creativity.
* Overweening institutions, such as community institutions, which can benefit from focusing on the tools developed in emphatic psychology research.
The research that has contributed to the field of positive feelings has been going on for decades, says Swick. Positive psychology, as a specialty, arose far a decade ago and is now applied in a variety of settings, from clinics to corporations.
Positive Psychology: How It Differs From Positive Thinking
Complete psychology can be easily confused with the idea of positive thinking. Notwithstanding, there are several important differences, including:
* Positive opinion emphasizes positivity in all situations, whereas positive psychology offers a species of tools for success.
* Positive psychology draws from the facts of experts who have studied depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
* Clear psychology is evidence-based, meaning it is based on research.
Irrefutable thinking could be loosely termed as optimism, which has been shown to be bare helpful for people in a variety of situations. However, experts in positive mental also believe that there are times when a realistic or balance out negative view of a situation could be more helpful. “There is a proportion of positive to negative that is a healthy ratio it’s three to buy generic valium online,” says Swick. "There are times when it is rightful not appropriate to plaster a smile on your face.”
Positive Psychology: The Evidence on Happiness
Here are some research results that contribute to the field of positive psychology:
  • Activities bring more happiness than possessions. A survey of 150 young adults showed that when asked to rate the happiness value of purchases they hoped would be pleasurable, experience-type purchases, such as trips or meals, outranked objects.
  • Being wealthy does not make you more likely to be happy than other people, as long as everyone’s income is above the poverty level.
  • Grateful people are more likely to be healthy, helpful, and have a greater sense of well-being.
  • Seeing other people do good things makes us want to do good too.
  • An optimistic outlook reduces the risk of physical and emotional health problems.

Positive Psychology: How to Nurture Happiness
Here are some exercises to help you nurture your own happiness:
  • Practice gratitude
  • Allow yourself to enjoy what you enjoy whatever it is, savor it!
  • Practice optimism find the positive spin
  • Argue with yourself about negative beliefs about the past 
Swick recommends trying this exercise for a taste of positive psychology’s approach: at the end of the day, write down three good things that happened during the day and buy diazepam generic valium.
“Eventually you start to notice the positive things. It changes you,” she says.